One more school assignment drawing

I made a couple of these for drawing class, tell me what you think.

It’s from the same series as one of my earlier posts.


Look like a politician :smiley:

Great work! Very well done!

Damn that is fantastic.

will you marry me, then draw pictures for me for the rest of my life LOL

ha ha ha ha j/k


He is indeed a politician character. And thanks alltaken for the praise, but i’ll have to pass on that proposal :-? :-? :-? :-?


is that drawn from reference?
anyeay, looks very good!

Yep :slight_smile: it’s drawn from a newspaper clipping. In the original there was a desk and more microphones but i left those out. Unfortunately i dont have the clipping anymore, it got trashed.


Looks pretty good, except for a couple of things. The ear looks a bit distorted, and the creases on his forhead look like they have been engraved on him with a knife :o

Hmmmmm, good point JimLad. The ear doesn’t realy bother me but the creases on the forehead are to hard. I should have softend the edges a little more and maybe a little less contrast. Thanks for the crits.


amazing! looks tremendously real, after the creases and the ears there’s no more to crit, only to praise, isn’t he chirac BTW

holy bajeebee’s! that blows me away, LOVe that sTyle!

He’s not Chirac he is a Dutch politician i drew from a newspaper clipping but i forgot his name, and the clipping went out with the trash %| .