One more term ?

Bill clint on is pressoring his buddies in congress to admend the 22 admendment so that carear politions can run three, four and even life as president.

I think we should rage war on policians period cause they taxing us witha illegal IRS and paying there bodies more to do less and get away with it.And nosy polician types stikkin there nose in tour busines to distrac us when we just mindin our own busines.


Rage war! Rage war! Clint onis behaviorr is the mostest big threat tour our liberty since he’s terme ended. Call in the gost of Gerneral Custord.

Fligh% is rite. The polician types are stikkin there nose in tour busines to distrac us from ther greedliness. It seems so obvius now. We need to stop the impose ignorants and the makin of the terrer/natsi/new world order before it is to late. Wake up amerikkka.

doze greedee politishuns stikk thayr noze into our biznuss and walluts cuz i think Walt Disney shud be thawd out and run for prezdent. cuz al_capone and fligh and fullback is alwayz rite cuz i sez so :wink:

I fur got two sey Walt Disney wud kik terrist but like doz in the guverment that tapp my fone cuz thay think im a terrist that thratuns crupp taxx grabb policians in Washnton.

very funny