I decided to toy with blenders strange radiosity system. I still can’t get it to display textures right. I remember reading you run the solution, then hit replace mesh, then hit free data. Next you make the material texture single after going through a crazy hassle of re-seperating everything, add a wood texture, and a light and render and it should work. But all I ever see is the radiosity solution. I just can’t figure out this silly system.
You would probably benefit from using dotblend’s method of assigning textures using empties before running the radiosity solution.
Go down a bit to find a mini-tut on this method. Also, on what to do at the end of a solution, I would recommend pressing “Add New Meshes” and then “Free Radio Data.” This creates a new mesh for the “radioed” solution, so if something gets messed up, you can fall back to the pre-radiosity state. Make sure to move the new mesh to a different layer from your first mesh. (The “Replace Meshes” button deletes your original meshes and replaces them with the radio-ed meshes. This is good if your short on vertices, but not if you made a mistake). Additionally, you technically don’t need a light if all the items you’re rendering are included in the radiosity solution. You do still need it, though, if you have some separate objects.
Do you not need to seperate meshes to texture them? I have been trying other radiosity engines for 3d progarms and I must say blender’s is the worst i’ve seen. I just do not get all this wishy washy hassle.