OneClick PBR Thread | +3000 PBR materials (1K, 2K, 4K) | Only for $19

Is it possible to download only the 1K and 2K textures? I want to use it on my laptop, but 330Gb is a bit too much to keep around.


Currently it is not possible, but as soon autumn semester ends (and hopefully I pass all my exams :innocent: ), I will get back to this project and provide further updates for convenience etc!.

Please feel free to give more suggestions.

Current plan: By the end of January, I will provide more versatile download options, so you can download only 1K, 2K, 4K as well as different bundles within the library such as only wood, only concrete etc…

I will also use the tagging system within the Asset Browser to improve categorization & search etc…

If you buy the product now, you will get all the future updates with no additional cost, just saying :wink:


Hey guys!

As I promised, it is now possible to download the library for only 1K resolution. Please head to the download page on Gumroad, where you will see ZIP files with “1K_only” in their name.

Soon I will provide only 2K and 4K zips seperately as well. Such release is taking at least couple of days, since I have to process hundreds of GB of data. That’s why I need your patience a little more until seperate 2K and 4K versions are ready.

However, surely, the ZIPs that include all 1K, 2K and 4K versions are already available for download.

Please let me know what kind of specific bundles (i.e. only “concrete”) you would like to see. And obviously, don’t hesitate to reach me out for any other requests :wink:


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Hey @Bloyd,
Is this library set up to work with the new Blender Asset Browser out of the box? Or using the addon is a must at this moment?

Hey @blndrusr ,
The library works with the asset browser out of the box!

I give away the add-on just in case you want to add more materials to the library! So when you have some PBR textures, you can use the add-on to convert them to PBR materials in the asset browser. It does not make sense to use the add-on if you just have one or two PBR textures, surely, but if you have hundreds of them, then the add-on is useful :wink: otherwise, you can just use the 3000+ PBR library out of the box in the asset browser.

Let me know if you run into any issues! Thanks for the interest!

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Hey guys,

I updated the library with some optimizations and error-fixes. Now the material bundle takes less space and more optimized.

Entire 1K library is now ~10 GB download (3047 different materials)
Entire 2K library is now ~40 GB download (3047 different materials)
Entire 4K library is now ~110 GB download (3047 different materials)

Check out the gumroad page: