Online communities. A survey invitation.

To finish my social science studies I am writing a thesis about online social contacts and communities. At the moment I am gathering data about social contacts on the Internet with an online survey.

Of course, now I am going to ask you to fill in this survey. I need some people from active interest-based online communities, such as Elysiun. The survey is entirely anonymous, and should take no more than 10 minutes to fill in. To read some more about it look here, and to go straight to the questions click here.

Thanks for reading,

Marijn Haverbeke

Sounds interesting. Are you going to publish your thesis when it is complete? I’m curious to hear about it.

Neat idea!
clicks on link, fills out

Thanks for the positive replies guys! On some forums I got completely burned for posting this. I do plan to put the end result online. If you drop me a mail at survey at I will add you to the list of people to notify when I finish it.