Why is it that you can’t find anything site that offers decent online storage for free apart from streamload.com!? I only complain 'cos it’s banned on my network, - damn the ICT staff, damn them all to HADES! ARGH! :<
Why is it that you can’t find anything site that offers decent online storage for free apart from streamload.com!? I only complain 'cos it’s banned on my network, - damn the ICT staff, damn them all to HADES! ARGH! :<
streamload only allows 100Mb transfer per month for free.
pretty crap IMO, not very usefull.
the prices for more transfers are massive, compared to owning your own website.
there is lots of free stuff better than that.
I’ve had some good luck with storeandserve.com. You can’t direct-link, but they seem to be a good service, esp. when you sign up.
I would be willing to start a blender artist only file sharing/sending/storage system like that if anyone is interested. I would have to have some interest though before I would understake it as a project. It would be kind of expensive.