Online Virtual Gallery

I’m currently working on an online Walkthrough Gallery made using Blender 2.42a and Erwin’s Web Plugin for Internet Explorer.
I will have a url for this soon.
I am looking for anyone who makes 3d sculptural works that they would like to ‘exhibit’ in the gallery. Anything considered - shapes/forms/etc. I’m not sure really what I’m exactly looking for but if this stands out to anyone thats a start…


im not to sure this is the right forum to post this under

plus its not really your work if your showing off other peoples… just a thought…

you’re likely going to run into poly issues with 3d sculpts when they could have 200k+ faces.

but the good thing is that if he manages to get the web plugin to work…well thats good enough for me…dreams of blender games played on the internet…

Mandoragon, Blendenzo (I believe) has made it work. I’m pretty sure it is at

Also yeah you WILL run into polycount issues if you are going to use sculpted models.