only one strip works in NLA editor

I’ve packaged two actions into strips in the NLA editor, and only one of them plays:

the one that is lower down on the NLA ed is the one that doesn’t play when i hit alt-a. The ‘run’ strip.

Can you tel me what I’m doing wrong here please?

Many thanks,

it looks like you have the “run” strip attached to the plane object and not the armature

Also, I’ve noticed that if a strip is opened up in the action editor, only the one in the action editor will play.

Also, I’ve noticed that if a strip is opened up in the action editor, only the one in the action editor will play.

This you can toggle in the NLA Editor (the NLA/Action icon to the left of the script toggles it). In this case that seems to be set correctly.

My guess is the same as waylow’s… I’m not sure how that happened, but my guess is that ‘run’ should be associated with the armature.

Thanks for your help…umm… can you tell me how I can associate the strip with the armature?
Your suggestions make sense, but i just can’t see how to do it.

The move up/down using ctrl-pageup/down doesn’t seem to be working at all, even if i give that command throught the menu in the NLA ed.

Many thanks,

Maybe you’d better post the .blend. I’m not too sure what’s going on from just the shot you posted.

Is the ‘run’ action working as you’d expect, if you toggle into Action play mode and open the run action in the Action editor?

ok here goes:

<img src=“” alt=“character2.4Run.blend” />


I can get the run action to work but only if it the one that is open in the action editor, and the thingy button is toggled.


Delete the Plane> Run strip (select and X key) then select the Armature channel in the NLA editor, press shift-A, and select “run”.

bugman_2000 … you rock.

That fixed that problem and I am now rendering. I had tried deleting but didn’t know about that command
Cheers! :slight_smile: