I just rendered half of my animation as jpegs on one machine and half on another. The problem is that I forgot to specify a filename for the second half resulting in just the frame numbers.
Does anyone know of a simple way to change all of the filenames without doing it manually?
Oscars file renamer: http://www.mediachance.com/free/renamer.htm
It lets you rename files in a folder as you would edit a textfile!
Just copy the text you want and paste it in every line.
crtl-v, down(button), home(button) and again.
If you think that is too much work there are renamers with more functions: http://freewarefiles.com/ and search for renamer.
Ive done similar task with vb-script too, that gives you good options on how to solve it.
i always use irfanview or virtual dub. in irfanview there is a batch processing/renaming mode, and virtualdub can open image sequences and output them with a different name.
search for rename-it on google. it’s an awesome program. I realize this is an old thread, but I figured I’d post to it for anyone searching in the future.
haha:) Anyway, there’s an even more usefull program IMO called Irfanview. Not only is it a batch renamer, but can also batch convert, resize, crop, apply effects & filters etc. etc. to images of practically any type. It’s also freeware.