Open a python script

I want to run a python script how to do that on blender 3.6.5 (30.1 KB)
Its a Keyframe Pro video player for scrubbing animation use

you might want to look into this project:

I opened it in blender 3.6.5 but cannot run the script nothing happens with Alt P

You might need to install the whole project as an Addon…

I don’t use KeyframePro, so I don’t even know if the addon is working correctly in Blender 3.6…

I’ve just tested the addon in Blender 3.6.9, and it seems to be working.

About KeyframePro, it’s not usefull for me to install the Demo…
They are very clear that the External API is only available after purchase. So I could only look into the addon to find any incompatibility with 3.6 (the addon is for 2.8), and it looks ok.

To install it, just download the file below, and in Blender, Edit > Preferences > Addon > Install… > and pick the zip file. (13.8 KB)

The addon in Blender:

Thank you , unfortunately you cannot open a mp4 file
Blender 2.8

But you can just drag and import a mp4 and then scrub with the timeline.
That is good enough for me