Open Source equivalent to Adobe Premiere, Pinnacle Studio?

I was playing around with Kino and discovered it only supporterd DV video; as in it’s only meant to transfer video from a camera and then edit it; it doesn’t support any other formats, AFAIK.

So I was wondering what the open source equivalent of Adobe Premiere and Pinnacle Studio (and Avid Liquid Edition for the high end).

Does Jahshaka fall in this category?

It doesn’t split the video into scenes (AFAIK) like Premiere and Studio do(again, AFAIK).



I am currently on a search for that perfect app myself…
but here is a list of softwares that can help…though some have certain limitations in export import formats…they are all good.

and for linux a very capable software…

and an awsome sound application

hope this helps…

p.s:well blender itself has good editing and compositing capabilities…:wink:

Thanks, but I meant video editing tools only please…Audacity is audio, and I already know about(no offense), but thanks.

Also, I have no idea how to compile :frowning:

I doubt you can find an equivalent to that, Cinelerra , last time I checked was only linux, but looked like very powerful.

(I havent tried Cinepaint (Glasgow was the win version?)) , but am curious.

I my self deal with VitualDub ( ) and use added filters, for achieve certain stuff I’d do with Premiere, is tricky, but doable, and is getting quite interesting as a tool… These days I do all what I need with it, almost.

Maybe Wax is closer to what you look for but…

So, my vote for vdub. I use wax and some other filters, or simply 2d editors with batch features, for when I dont have A or B feature in a video editor…

Is the poor man’s ways :wink:

One thing I see as very important is stability, no random crashes, good handling of memory, specially when you deal with large huge video files, or memory intensive procedures…and have not such a great machine -even if u have it!-

Right now, jahshaka kinda sucks. But, BUT, the team is rehacking it from scratch, and I checked out their core test version in ‘jahplayer’, the player ran like a dream. It’s really promising.

Been hearing this drivel, or something similar, for almost as long as I’ve been on elysiun/BA & have yet to get Jah to even run on Windows. The last time I tried it crashed simply swapping between screens - no media even loaded.:no: Promising, my a$$.

LC, another free but not OS option is Avid’s FreeDV. (google it.) I’ve not used it for anything major yet, but at least it fires up on Windows! :smiley:

And yes, blender itself holds the most promise - tho likely never anything high end (just not its core focus, ATM.) It just needs to get FFMpeg in the Windows release for audio muxing to be on track.

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Eh, it worked for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

ha, yeah, its always crashing on me too…cant handle just opening up different windows(And Im not on any slow computer or anything)


It works for me:spin: But it probably has a LONG way to go…

LC, another free but not OS option is Avid’s FreeDV. (google it.) I’ve not used it for anything major yet, but at least it fires up on Windows! :smiley:
Let’s clarify here, I discovered Kino was a DV editor ONLY, which is NOT what I want.

My question is:

Is there an open source equivalent to Pinnacle Studio?

I am NOT looking for a DV editor, Kino just made me wonder if there was an open source Pinnacle-like app; you know,with 1 Capture 2 Edit 3 Make Movie type thing.

Sorry if I sound harsh, I guess I got the wrong question across somehow…:confused:

And yes, blender itself holds the most promise - tho likely never anything high end (just not its core focus, ATM.) It just needs to get FFMpeg in the Windows release for audio muxing to be on track.
Is that going to be in 2.43?

I’ve heard it’s going to be in 2.43 on Linux; did it only have partial support in the 2.42 release?

I dunno, I think it’s gonna be in 2.43. I mean, it’s in the CVS build I’m using and all.

How about ZS4? Haven’t tried it myself, but it might be what you’re looking for.

The most advanced one is Cinelerra-CVS (a community based fork of the origional Cinelerra) But if you are not ready to learn how to compile it, you’re not going to get very far.

2.42 linux version of blender already has full FFMPEG support in it, so it should work just fine.

I’m slewing around a terabyte of DV 4:1:1 video now; imported into 15 minute (5G) chunks and then from there, using Blender to blur the Cr, constrast the Y, etc. using Bob’s nodes and his tutorial. And of course, doing the green screen thing (see the wiki, I just wrote a bunch of examples this weekend) and slides and stuff. Audio I am scrubbing using Audacity, and mixing the audio to video with VirtualDub. We do the inital upload from the camera using an Apple, and it has iMovieHD which chunks up the video just fine.


Check out the latest buld (0.4) of KdenLive. It’s a perfect middleground between the ease of Kino and the power of Cinelerra. It has multiple tracks of video, effects, cutting and slipping clips around with no fuss, good integration with Audacity & Gimp for sound/titles, and a stable and multi-format backend, and easy exporting presets into lots of formats.

Awesome, thanks!

There is Cinnalerra, if you have the system to run it, and that’s about it. I use Final Cut myself, but that’s not opensource or free…

You can try virtualdub.
Try also
In my opinion Cinalerra is the best.
instead of premiere try Premiere Elements
Discreet or Autodesk Combustion. You can make some really cool effects with it.

I still primarily use Windows, so I was wondering if it would be possible(and DON’T tell me it’s going to be difficult, I KNOW that, programming is hard period,) to rebuild these applications(or compile them somehow) so they can run on Windows too?

Only if you committed a horrible crime for which you crave punishment and want to make it cruel and unusual.

Laughing cheese,(mayb I write too long posts, I think nobody reads XD ) all what I posted except Cinelerra (which I had posted already) works in windows. But yep, Cinelerra, not even I ever used it, but checked the info, and surely is the most pro.

Jah player worked for me. Just, yep, some random crashes till I learnt what stuff tended to do em and so avoided them. But was too unstable…back in 2005, I think.Now I dunno. Same story with ZS4 and the previous zweinstein. But hey, all these are free. We cant ask for more :wink: