Open source rigging add on?

Dear Members,
Any suggestions for open source rigging add on ?

Why not use the included Rigify Addon?


All add-ons for Blender are open source. Even the ones that charge, the general consensus is that they’re GPL’d and that you can edit and redistribute as desired.

I was thinking about it, is it easy to use ? have you use it ? thanks

Thanks for the info, have you created add-ons as well ?

I don’t know how complicated it is to carry something like this for blender

Rigify is good, but I’m going to buy Auto Rig Pro soon and see what that’s like. One thing I can say about some of these rigs I’ve been testing is that they’re just so over complicated. I always delete the face rig because I like to use morph targets driven by a null. There is no way I’m going to be moving around 500 face controls.

No sir. A few things I’d like to see done, but I’ve never mustered the willpower to sit down with a few addons and figure out how it all works.

that’s a good tutorial, thanks…

when rigging a human, should I perfectly align the bones with vertex ? it’s not easy to align some areas…
any suggestions ?
I’m using MB add-ons for human character .
Screen shot
I learned aligning, missed point of view, and I need to repeat again :slight_smile:


Try using Auto rig Pro. It will solve the mass majority of the issue listed above. Also, most Blender addons fall under GNU/GPL license (except a small few) Even the commericial addons.

@adrencg Auto rig pro comes with a face rig and built in Shape Drivers. So you can you use the face rig to drive shape keys or just use the shape keys. May be a little less complicated than other rigging Addons.