OpenGL Render?

Hey, I was wondering…

Is there a way to render out an animation using OpenGL? I know the guys at Plumiferos were able to do it, thanks to a patch someone created for them…or is that just the timecode (plus other info stuff)? I’m trying to do some blocking/layout stuff for an animation project, and I really don’t feel like trying to do a screen capture thing, right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a python script for this? I now there’s one for some information-type stuff @ uselessdreamer’s python scripts site…although I haven’t figured out how to use it. :o Can anybody help with that, too?

Sorry, I know I sound like I’m completely computer “illiterate” but I really don’t know anything about programing, except HTML and CSS (but I don’t think you guys would consider that programing. hehe :smiley: ).

Thanks in advance for any advice you guys can offer!


Try using the rightmost button under the 3D View Window… tooltip “render this Window”… Hold CTRL when clicking will render the animation…


That works…Now, how can I add the info stuff from the “More Render Options” python script? Or, is that even possible?
