OpenStreetMap export problem

Greetings peeps,

I’m watching a Tut about importing an OpenStreetMap .osm file into blender. When I go to OpenStreetMap, select a section to export, then hit the Export button, it exports a file in this format: filename.osm.xml

Can’t find anything online on what this is so. Thanks in advance for any help

Try taking the trailing ‘.xml’ off the filename and see if it works.

thanks for the reply. I tried that and it didn’t work. :confused: The person in the Tut. was using a windows box and I’m using a Mac, could that be the problem?

Well, there’s been a 118 views so far, so I can’t be the only one. Found this on Wiki: “The XML data can be saved to a .osm file and filtered.” So anybody know how to do this?

Problem solved. Was using Safari. Tried Firefox. Bam! worked. Hope this helps other peeps.

Sorry, been off the computer, I’m glad you sorted it. I must admit, I find some browsers tend to “interpret” downloads different ways, I normally use Firefox myself. :slight_smile:

Welcome back. I posted the problem on another forum and someone posted a response with images saying they weren’t having any problems with it. I noticed that they had a pop up window that came up when they hit the export button. I zoomed in and noticed they were using Firefox. :evilgrin: