I’m watching a Tut about importing an OpenStreetMap .osm file into blender. When I go to OpenStreetMap, select a section to export, then hit the Export button, it exports a file in this format: filename.osm.xml
Can’t find anything online on what this is so. Thanks in advance for any help
Well, there’s been a 118 views so far, so I can’t be the only one. Found this on Wiki: “The XML data can be saved to a .osm file and filtered.” So anybody know how to do this?
Sorry, been off the computer, I’m glad you sorted it. I must admit, I find some browsers tend to “interpret” downloads different ways, I normally use Firefox myself.
Welcome back. I posted the problem on another forum and someone posted a response with images saying they weren’t having any problems with it. I noticed that they had a pop up window that came up when they hit the export button. I zoomed in and noticed they were using Firefox. :evilgrin: