"OpenSubdiv is disabled due to dependencies"... how to find them?

So, I’ve done some reading on OpenSubdiv, and I understand that it will not work on a mesh on whose geometry other things depend. My main character mesh appears to have SOMETHING depending on its geometry, because the Subsuf panel contains the error "“OpenSubdiv is disabled due to dependencies”

The problem is that the character development working file I have has… become kind of a mess, with a lot of stuff in it. This is my fault, and I should obviously clean up anything not being used. I’m going to have to do this anyway.

So I’m not looking for help with my specific case, but I want to know: In the general case, is there a way to find what precisely is depending on a specific mesh? It’s okay if it involves python. I just can’t find anything by googling around and exploring the interface.


The simple way to see if something is parented to another object is to grab the object and see what else moves with it, beyond that, we would need to see the blend file. You can post small blend files here or you can post them in pasteall.org/blend then post the URL of your uploaded file here.

Cheers, Clock.

OpenSubdiv has more to do with Rendering and real time playback that with Rigging…

go here and read up on it a bit…

getting the…
“OpenSubdiv is disabled due to dependencies”
error usually has to do with not having the proper graphics card in the computer to make use of it…

here’s a pretty good video that might enlighten you…
Having said all this…
the main reason to even want to use OpenSubdiv is to be able to animate in real time and see the results of your animation in real time…

thus off the top of my head I would say…

3 places you need to look to check out what is up with Open Subdiv…
1… Properties Panel > Render (camera Icon) > Render > Feature Set: (check to see if you have the ability to even use OpenSubdiv on the computer your using) (you may have to use ‘Experimental’ to get it going…
2… In the preferences panel… that you access via… Top tool bar > file > User Preferences > System > Open subdiv
3… on each object that is using Subdivition surfaces > in the Modifiers stack > look at the subdivision surfaces panel and see if 'Use OpenSubDiv is checked… if so there should be an error message there close by that has some more information in it…

finally… one more place you can always check in blender when you see error messages…
go up to your top tool bar… hold your mouse cursor over the bottom line of the top tool bar (your mouse cursor will change into a double arrow… when that happens pull down on the tool bar… and there you will see all kinds of messages telling you what blender has been doing behind the scenes… any error messages will be there with hopefully more detail as to why the error has come about …

Thanks for the responses, guys. :slight_smile:

It wasn’t as simple as just seeing what moved with the mesh in question, because I had quite a few WIP clothing items on various layers, some of them hidden. The solution ended up being just clearing out all of that junk, which let me find the one object that was causing the problems.

For the record though… this particular opensubdiv message doesn’t contain any useful information about which object is causing the problem. Literally the only information is a message in the subsurf modifier panel for the object having the problem, saying “OpenSubdiv is disabled due to dependencies”. Nothing in the console, or anywhere else I can find. That does seem like perhaps an oversight…

Hummm… thanks for the follow up share on this… good information to know for the future…