I Garbagged my last Character…(Borrirng…) for this Lizard. Considering I’m a Louzzzzer, and all I do is create Characters and not work, what do you think? Should I get a JOB?..LoL…He’s definatly going to get glasss because He’s blind…Should I countinue pulling weeds for a Nurshery company or should I create Loser Characters and knowbody cares… CindyLou…
For some reason it reminds me more of a goat than a lizard. Maybe the drooping ears(?) and the protruding lower jaw. It could use more of a Bump or Normal map. That is about all I have got. As is I am not good with organic models, so half the humans I try to make come out looking about like your lizard. LOL.
Good luck with the weeds ; )
I knew I could count on you D. I guess my question was why am I spending all my time doing this when I’ll never get a job at it. Guess I need to lose my bad attitude first. Taking a secound look I though O.M.G. he is ugly…I modeled it after me. This is what I look like on a sunday morning…
Well it is art. I am just a hobbyist. I don’t plan to ever have a career in CG. I have just always like using different art media, be it plasticine, paint, pencil, or pixel. So, the moral is, do what you like to do. If you can get a job doing what you like then great. If you can’t, pull weeds and then at night do what you like to do. If that is Blender than me and the others here will help where we can.
Thanks D. Ive decided to do what I like. That envolves blender and other media. I’m going to the local zoo this weekend and fim some stuff and incorperate blender characters into live footage. I will post whatever I can as quickly as I can. Ive got about two monthes to make some money with this before my savings runs out. Thanks for your support. Cindy
a goat sounds right… omg a mutant goat!!
haha dont worry if you never get a job… its better than anything I could manage to make!
Good Luck Cindy. Have fun at the zoo. I hope you don’t run into any mutant goats. LOL.