Opinion on website (pg. 2)

Hey guys, I’ve got a website up and i wanna know what people other than my friends think of it… (btw: it uses lots of javasctipt)

its at: http://www.freewebs.com/ben_force/

ha ha ha ha

ok no offense but IMO it is not the best site i have ever seen.

A) it loads really really slowly.

B) it is rather plain and ugly (boxes with boarders and no colours)

C) the menu bar disapears soon after the site is loaded (not a good thing) at which time it won’t come back

D) all of the above. (oh and i am using mozilla 1.5 for your reference)

now not to dis your website without making constructive crit as that is not respectfull i havea few sugestions.

Revove most of the JAVA that you are using. i take ti that the java you are doing is all just plug and play code, not a good idea IMO. if you know java and hand coded it then i’d sugest you fix a lot of it up. but if not then don’t mess with what you don’t understand.

layout of the site i guess is done with JAVA also, i sugest you knock it use of java for layout back to ZERO. use CSS and/or tables and have it pretty standard, you don’t need this hiding menubar thing (dropdown menus would be ok, but hiding the whole frame IMO os a bad idea)

colour, take a bit more into consideration. white on balck with grey and blue just doesn’t seem to do it for me.

try to avoid white on black text as it hurts eyes and is hard to read.

try to get some cross browser compatibility, this may involve removing HUGE amounts of java, and other gadgets that are uneeded.

i sugest only using java in two or three places on most amature websites (unless you know what you are doing). these are

the rollover images
the shout box that you have there
and perhaps drop down menus

your site is a bit overkill on the JAVA, and misses out on some of the fundimental basics such as
and visual appeal

i hope some of that stuff will/has helped you.

unfortunatly i feel you are going to start from scratch.

drop the JAVA i suspect its slowing down the loading too (unless its your host) i have 256K cable and it loaded like i was on a 33K modem connection.

if you have any further questions i am alwasy happy to answer them or give feedback on any alterations you might make.

I do think the menu bar is annoying but the site itself is prettier than yours alltaken. And faster.

Well, you obviously are very skilled with JavaScript and that’s good, but I think a lot of it doesn’t really serve a purpose and is a bit annoying in my opinion. For example, why would you have a script that doesn’t let you resize the window? And for the disappearing menu bar, I don’t know whether you’re supposed to be able to restore it again or not, because I can’t do it in Mozilla. I have 10 seconds to click a menu option before it disappears and I have to refresh the page to see it again.

Don’t worry about it though. I made the exact same mistake with my website. It was overloaded with way too much unnecessary JavaScript (like pop-up alerts which re-directed you to a site if your browser wasn’t compatible, etc.), and the site only worked with Internet Explorer. I posted it here at elYsiun and received a lot of negative feedback (if you search back through the “Finished Projects” forum, you might even be able to find the thread). Since then, I’ve learned from my mistake and I now try to make my sites compatible with as many browsers as possible.

Other than that, the site’s pretty good! Like alltaken suggested, try experimenting a bit with CSS. It is supported by most browsers and provides control over the appearance of your site that you can’t accomplish with HTML alone.

Thnx for your sugestions. BTW: the menubar is supposed to pop back out when you put your mouse over on the side of the window… and the reason for the script that made it so that you could’nt resize the window was there cuz when you do resize it the tag board covers the menu items… I guess i should pull out my book on CSS… and with the javascript the only thing i didn’t code was making the menu items hilight on the side…

again thanks for the constructive criticism :smiley:

Yeah… your site shows your strength with JavaScript. Unfortunately, what technical strengths it has are overshadowed by a general lack of finesse. Work on being subtle with your tools.

Start with strong navigation and build an appealing design around that. Use scripts to aid getting the job done, not just for the oohs and ahhs (they’re nice, but they get annoying if they aren’t absolutely necessary).

fuck off valarking

i offered my opinion and personal views on his site as well as constructive crit.

obviously he did code the JAVA in the end but i wasn’t sure

so go shove it up your fucking lose as bannana raped arsehole.

LOL and to laugh at you even more valarking i timed his site loading in 7 seconds, and mine loading in 4. so as well as being a complete idiot you are also factually incorrect.


here is a screenshot of what i see on my computer before the side panel disapears and cannot be gotten back


note that the left side of the screen shows errors on the top of the shoutbox which i belive there are suposed to be images or somthing above.

in IE i get a security warning asking me to install somthing. Hmmm i don’t know what it is because i don’t use IE but perhaps you could shed some light on it.

also in IE i see a “SEARCH” button above the shout box, however i only see it being displayed when the menubar is either opening or closing.

it also doesn’t show any input area for this search tab that is only visable occasionally. rather confusing to me IMO.

the website looks much cleaner and tidier in IE and for some reason doesn’t display the second hit counter.

anyway thats all i have to say really.


**** off valarking

i offered my opinion and personal views on his site as well as constructive crit.

obviously he did code the JAVA in the end but i wasn’t sure

so go shove it up your ****ing lose as bannana raped arsehole.

LOL and to laugh at you even more valarking i timed his site loading in 7 seconds, and mine loading in 4. so as well as being a complete idiot you are also factually incorrect.[/quote]

:stuck_out_tongue: You’re easier than macke was. I knew I’d be threatening your manhood by dissing your site. HAHA.

…so as well as being a complete idiot…
…so go shove it up your ****ing lose as bannana raped arsehole…

Amazing. I never thought any lgitimate member could surpass the amount of vulgarity and ignorance I showed when I first joined blender.nl, but I’m quite surprised. Keep it up.

valarking stop trolling and go away.

if you had said somthing like ALltaken your website is shit because of “so and so” and “so and so” then no it wouldn’t threaten my manhood at all.

i have been involved in crit sessions at university that would leave you in tears, (and that have actually left some of my friends in tears). you know nothing of being entirely shutdown and destroyed in front of 30 people. and you know nothing of what it is to critisise.

your original coment was an INSULT, nothing more nothing less.

there are huge difference between an insult and criticism and i think i know what they are.

i just don’t tolerate people like you and Blender max who obviously need to do some growing up.

frankly i don’t accept trolls, or anything of the like in a comunity, there is no place for them.


Of course mine was an insult, I don’t claim it to be constructive critiscism.
Yours wasn’t totally constructive anyway. For example:

ha ha ha ha

ok no offense but IMO it is not the best site i have ever seen.

Oh, and yes I am experienced in constructive critiscism. I have performed infront of professional pianists at master classes. Some of them have little tact.

that search thing that your talking about alltaken is an add… because the tag board doesn’t work on the freewebs server i had to put it on a server that puts adds in the page… anyways to fix it i put in some javascript to make the page scrool down to the bottom once it’s loaded…

lol… guess this time i should test it all in linux before i upload it… hey maybe i should make some graphics for it… with maybe say… blender? yeah, if you looked in the gallery you can tell I’m a newbie…

thnx again for all the feed back, I think I’m gonna make 2 sites… one for IE only… and one for everyone. :smiley:

ha ha ha ha valarking.

i made a statement and then provided a list of sugestions and coments to back it up.

yours was just a statement.

lets look it up.


To treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness.

To affront or demean

To behave arrogantly

To give offense

An offensive action or remark


The act of criticizing, especially adversely.

A critical comment or judgment.

The practice of analyzing, classifying, interpreting, or evaluating literary or other artistic works.

A critical article or essay; a critique

Big difference HA HA HA

you were struggling to find a single line in my writting that that was an insult. and note that i put a rather large “IMO” in the middle of it saying that it was only my opinion and may not be represented by everyone.

note that i said it wasn’t the best site ever and neither is mine HA HA HA .

if i had said somthing like “man your site is site” or somthing like that then yes it would have been more insulting.

i maintain you know nothing of being critisised and you do need to do some growing up, for a 16 year old you are pretty damn immature (but i guess that comes from having few friends, and lacking in social interaction skills such as tact (which is another word you probably don’t understand :P)


(sorry ben_force for this thread being turned into a flamewar, it wasn’t my intention and any question you want to ask me jus go for it. BTW i am on Windows not linux. i have Mozilla for windows as many many people do these days. mozilla is more standards compliant so IMO its easier to code for, but then again if i code somthing way wrong then it usually displays fine in IE. LOL)

You had some good arguments but several things.

  1. I’m 14, not 16.
  2. How would you know how many friends I have? That is certainly not an effective argument.
  3. I’m pretty sure I understand tact, as I used in my last post.
  4. An yes, I know plenty about being critiscised. My talents mainly lie in the liberal arts category. That means art, music, theatre, etc. Everything I do is critiscised by teachers, peers or superiors in some way.

Keep trying. Just keep your facts straight so you don’t end up presenting a Cubefan argument.

I think both of you should get your attitude straight (Valarking for petty insults and Alltaken for overreacting and insulting back) before we make a Cubefan of both of you, if you get what I mean :wink:


hm… I tend to like something more then just black as a bgcolor

Also you site calls for flash if you want it like that, becuase man the javascript by itself is always known to be slow. As much as I hate flash it seems to be a decent use for your site becuase the effect are nice but again slow!

Name one place where I directly insulted HIM please.

Ok, you didn’t “directly” insult him, but you clearly stated that your goal was to make him pissed off so he would overreact.

Of course, nobody would want to piss yourself in return, Mr Tender Chorus boy :stuck_out_tongue:


ha ha ha fair enough theeth.

he just pushes my buttons, as he does with hundreds of others around here and hasa long reputation for doing previously.

i shall stop over reacting


yeah, the only problem i have with using flash is that i have to spend money on it!! (unless there’s a freeware app :smiley: ) thanks for the sugestion anyways Sutabi.