Hi guys, I’ve been playing with blender for the last day (love it so far). After entering and exiting edit mode blender has a nice feature that shows a lighter wireframe (teapot on the left) for better visibility and performance.
Is there a easy way to do this to all imported models? Also just out of intrest is there a way to disable it so you can view all the wireframe all the time?
PS. No prizes for guessing what prog I’ve been using prior to Blender.
In F9 Buttons you can use SlowerDraw. In Edit Mode hit A to select all verts and W >> Remove Doubles first though. To see all edges in Object mode click AllEdges in Mesh Tools 1.
Not sure what you mean by ‘Optimized Wireframe’. If you don’t have the ‘All Edges’ option on in F9 then the drawing will automatically be optimized (subdivide a cube and view it in Object mode to see). The Subsurf Modifier has its own Optimal Draw option.
Basically in wireframe mode in Object mode coplanar edges are not drawn and the rest are.
By ‘Optimized Wireframe’ I mean the simplified wireframe display (hidden coplanar edges) as seen in the image I posted (teapot on left). Both imported models are the same and the only difference is I have entered and exited edit mode on the left teapot (no Subsurf or All Edges).
Not a problem for stuff made in blender, but when importing a large number of models there dosen’t seem (as far as I can tell) to be a practical/quick way to show all with “optimized wireframe”… or is there?
The right one is made of tri’s (you can try get them to quads with Alt-J) which are seldom planar with contiguous faces on a curved surface. Blender is kinda weird (I gather because I’ve only ever used it and Wings) in that it only supports tris and quads (no n-gons) and preffers quads because it can extrapolate the edge between the two tris that a quad is made of. Me I worry more about how it renders than anything else.
Yeah, I would never really use a model like that, was just using it for testing blenders viewport preformence (made like 300 Dups). The “Optimized Wireframe” really makes a big differnce with lots of teapots.