There isn’t, but the memory use per polygon in Blender should be consistent. I just tried subdividing and duplicating the default cube to see how much memory that would take. At 40 million triangles, my memory peaked at 3.4 GB during render.
But, even an empty scene took about half a GB to render, so that would mean very roughly 40 million tris = 3 GB Vram use. The only way you are going to reach that kind of polygon count by accident is if you aren’t careful with subdivision modifiers.
Keep in mind this is only for the polygons without textures. If you use image textures, you also need to count them, as they will use some memory. I tried adding a single 4096x4096 image texture to a plane to see how much memory it takes at render and it took 64 MB. This really isn’t that much, but you have to be careful if you have dozens of materials each with color, roughness and bump textures.
If you double the resolution of a texture, the number of pixels increases by 4x. This means that the cost of textures rises increasingly faster with resolution. This also means that if a texture is in the background and you don’t need as much resolution, you can save 3/4 of its weight by dividing its resolution in half.