I am completely new to blender but hope to learn and create some great stuff!
I recently obtained a 12 core Mac pro desktop trashcan LOL with 32GB of RAM. I installed the latest Blender for OSX,
and have been playing/learning. I did a small parallax project with two planes, and it seemed to me that the render took a long time on this machine. 250 frames, around 5 min.
Is there some optimization in Blender i need to do?
Forgive me if it’s a stupid question, but like I said, I’m a newborn with Blender.
It is hard to say without the file but first look at the tread setting in render settings.
Upload your file may on http://www.pasteall.org/blend/
1.2 seconds per frame is very fast btw…
Cheers, mib.
… it seemed to me that the render took a long time on this machine. 250 frames, around 5 min.
That one made chuckle a bit. Five minutes for 250 frames comes out to a little over one second per frame. It’s not uncommon for production frames to take hours. You’d find that render time is among the major complaints of anyone in CG. It depends a lot on settings (and which renderer you use), but if you’re already at a few seconds, there’s little left to do - all the “high quality” stuff is already disabled.
Ok Thanks for your assurance!
I did try the benchmark (the BMW car) and I got 53 seconds, so I can’t complain.
I remember using Povray years and years ago, and taking days to render a scene LOL.