Option to turn modifier realtime display on multiple objects on or off?

Hi there. I had a question. Is there anyway to turn modifier realtime display on multiple objects on or off? By that I mean if I select a group of objects and each of them has the subdivision surface modifier with level 3 on, can I by one single command turn on or off all of their modifier display? Because right now when my scene gets really laggy with subsurf on I have to select each object one by one and turn it off.


Nope, sorry.

You need to do them one by one, unless they are duplicated with “Alt-D”

You can, however, do this:
If all of them have a subsurf of 3, then delete the subsurfs except 1. On that one, turn off visibility “the eye button”. Select the objects you deleted the modifier on, selecting the one with the modifier last, so it is the yellow selection color. Use “CTRL - L” and click “Modifiers”.
This will apply the modifier to all the other selected objects, all of them having a subsurf with vis turned off

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Ahhhhhhh linking. I’ll try it. Thanks!

If it’s subsurf modifiers you can just enable Simplify in the Scene settings and set the subdivision level to 0.
Before rendering you’ll have to turn simpllify off

THANK. YOU. What a glorious feature!