Orbit around selected, no selection orbit around camera center?


I work with environments and I find it quite common that I need to edit something specific and In those situations I would prefer that the camera would be orbiting around my selection. Like if I am working on a bottom part of a car the camera would rotate that part I am working on or have selected.

When I am done with the car the orbit around selection is no longer useful because with a big scenes I usually have nothing selected and I just need to navigate around the world. Preferably orbiting around the center of the viewport. If I have “Orbit around selection” enabled its super annoying because even if I dont have anything selected it will orbit around my last selection.

Basically If there is a way to get rid of the feature when orbit around selection is enabled to orbit around the previously selected item. Instead have it so that if nothing is selected "orbit around center of the camera and when something is selected orbit around that. It would fix all my problems.

Is there anything I could do like any addon or maybe hint how to program something like this? Or anything similar like even if I could do it so that in edit mode orbit around selection and in object mode orbit around camera center that would probably make my life a lot easier.

I know that you can just hit the , to focus and then it will orbit around that but if you have a vert selected for example its going to zoom you like 10cm away from that vert so you will have to first zoom out so you can see everything again etc its a bit too complicated workflow too in my opinion.


I would activate also Depth,
then the camera tries to set the rotation center where your mouse is.

Thanks, this is pretty good already but I still wish the depth could activate camera / viewport center rotation instead of the mouse pointer center :persevere: I guess its just something I am more used with from apps like zbrush where there is trackball rotation and you rotate by clicking from the sides

Maybe on the right: View → View Lock → To 3D Cursor ?? You can pan the view to set the cursor more something like in the lower third for example.

This is interesting.
I tried working with the cursor lock on at some point. I think it might work but I did not get used to it yet. Would need to find a good hotkey for “dropping” the cursor in.

How do you pan the view like that? So that the cursor stays in the center

I’m afraid i don’t understand:

If View Lock to 3D Cursor is enabled then the view rotates and scales arround the 3D Cursor (the one with the red and white circle) which can be set anywhere… Only panning also moves the cursor up/doen left/right and then again rotated arround it.

Right I get what you mean now… I was wondering if you could lock the cursor somehow to the center of the screen so even if you pan up and down the cursor would stay at the center so you would not need to drop it all the time again

This cursor thing kind of solves the issue but still if there would be better alternatives I am curious

Yes a togglable “around selection” would be nice.
However, have you tried walk navigation for navigating in environments? I put walk navigation into my quick menu. That way I just have to press “q+w” and can now navigate with “wasd”. This is the best mode for navigating environments in my opinion.

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Hotkey for “Orbit Around Selection” would be great. But at the moment it seems that you can not assign a hotkey to this function (