Organic Modeling , Good places to start?

Well, I went and rented “The Two Towers” this weekend.

Incredible film, in fact as this was my second viewing of the film I spent more time reviewing the CG scenes.

It really got me motivated to consider some organic modeling…

Now part of me is holding myself in check (This is only my 3rd or 4th week using blender), however I was wondering what the “pros” on here are doing.

Do you have a specific style? Did you learn by following specific designs? How did you get started? Any specific suggestions?

As with everything in technology it takes time to learn and become proficient, just looking for the best methods to get started.



I usually try to have a little concept in mind before starting anything. This can be as subtle as “I want spikes everywhere” to “I want him/her/it to look just like X from movie Y”. I don’t have any specific method for modelling organics, although I usually start with a low poly cage with subsurf, turn the subsurf real and refined. I don’t really have any definite modelling pipeline either. I usually keep the head for last, since this give me more chance to keep it in proportion with the body.,

anyway, I don’t think that was of much help.


If you go dig around in this forum:
especially some of the older threads in WIP, there’s a lot you can learn from and they got a crazy rule that every time you post you have to include a link to something interesting. Beware! You could get horribly sidetracked.


My advice is, if it’s your goal to make something look real, pay specific attention to: texture channels, bump mapping, material indices, lighting, vertex paint, and of course, modelling. Don’t worry about animation right away. Oh, and on the Two Towers,…that rocked! Theeth, do you think one day we will have dynamic behaviors like gollums greasy dangling hair? :slight_smile:

Modron: RipSting is working on something like this:


I usually either model or texture minor imperefctions, cause it’s an imperfect world :).
Hope I helped :slight_smile:

I have tried a few times to do some organic modelling but it never gets started. I dont know how to get the curvy shapes that are needed. I start with a subdivided cube and try and mould it into a body shape but it just looks a mess. Maybe I ought to keep the mesh simple %|


i always start on the smallest details i will use, and then work up to the bigger stuff. i ALWAYS start with a plane, extruding and shaping.

usually i start with eyes.

have fun!