So after years of dabbling in Blender I’ve finally gotten around to trying to make “movies”. This involves many camera shots and scenes for later editing together. I’m wondering how to keep things organised; is there a convention in film for labelling of particular shots (like, er reels of film) for the future so one can easily find “Brian walks into the coffee shop, long shot” and “Brian walks up the counter, medium shot from his left” and so on? It’s mainly for naming the individual renders. I fear I’m losing control of which shot is which!
Also check this post for some insights used for Blender Studio Pipeline. There is Prism Pipeline (free). And Netflix has a help center for VFX workflow but I think it’s overwhelming for indie producers.
Thanks for the replies, I’ll look at these resources! I took a while to respond because this thread was initially marked off-topic by moderation so didn’t expect any.
Some of the things that might come in most-useful actually are not “direct parts of Blender.” Documents, spreadsheets, even(!) paper notes.
One thing that I’ve found to be “curiously helpful,” in both CG and other complex projects, is what I call the (Star Trek …)“Captain’s Log.” Literally every day, throughout the day, {emphasis: “as(!)”} you are doing it, somehow record it. “Right then and there!”
(Also include your questions. "How the %?! am I gonna do this?"Write that down, too! In whatever words came to you at the time. You can, if you like, add the solution later.)
Then, keep those notes “forever.” “Never delete!” Very often you will find the details that you need. And, you just might feel that you are “reading the diary of a perfect stranger.”
Like it or not – and, no matter how young or old you are – you will find that you forget far more than you realize, unless you somehow write it down at the moment. “Tomorrow” – even “tomorrow morning” – is not the same.