Hi , I’m working on Multiple object to create an animation , and in order to create an animation pose i have to deal with multiple ActionStrips at a timeline ,
is it possible to group or organize different ActionStrip of different object in a timeline ??? ,
cz it’s very painful for my eye to seek each action strip when i have to duplicate the same animation…
Further question on the same topic.
Can an action control multiple objects under one name?
In 2.54 Beta can multiple objects be used in the same action.
This link http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:Tutorials/Animation/BSoD/Character_Animation/Final_animation
The NLA Editor was originally designed only to work with armatures. In recent versions of Blender, we now have the option to add shape key actions (like the lip sync action) to the NLA Editor, but it’s not as straightforward as with armatures
I see you state that creating bones as the control object may get around this limitation.
So is this technique one armature of multiple bones as a unit??
Do you have any documentation references for 2.5 which may lead us to believe that now there is something now which is better than the armature for groups of objects.
Am I avoiding armature artifice for no good reason??
Maybe if the armature was named multiple object controller I would be more eager to use it.
In a sense, yes, an action can control multiple objects.
Multiple NLA strips ( and their corresponding objects ) can use the same action. Much like multiple objects using the one mesh datablock. But this isn’t as straightforward to setup.
And you can name the armature whatever you want it to be - including ‘Multiple Object Controller’ But really - we’re getting into semantics now.
Thank you for your response.
I do not think I understood all of it.
I saw something you MAY have written at blender http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User:Mikahl
if you did write it or would like to comment on it
this link was a useful concise summary and I would like to see more
perhaps the reader was supposed to be familiar with pre 2.5 blender
I am most familiar now with 2.5 … I saw a few weeks of 2.49 and nothing before
I have tried to find 2.5 nla, dopesheet info at youtube with little success
Of the few relevant videos I saw, most expressed uncertainty about how to use things such as the snowflake.
?? Do you have any web links you especially like for… 2.5 nla, dopesheet use and techniques???
I am rather new at blender 2.5 so I may not be the best at searching for 2.5 info.
I have used gimp and blender as open software … but the search for documentation really slows down my learning.
I have used C++, C#, CSharp, Java