Anyone here think it would be a good idea to code in ORGE into Blender ?
Can you tell more about ORGE?
Can you tell more about ORGE?[/quote]
ogre is an open source 3d engine
it is gpl
it supports bsp culling and can load quake 3 levels
it supports multitexturing and normal mapping [dot 3 bumpmapping]
and it is GPL
it is surprizingly quick, because among other things it will send pallatized textures to the graphics card [unlike blender]
it also uses directx or opengl
Damn keep thinking it’s orge, yea that’s the one, OGRE. It must be better then the Quake 1 engine that Blender use now. Why isn’t there any effort to go beyond Quake/Doom 3 Engine ?
you want to do it?
even the quake 1 engine had bsp culling [so did doom btw]
like 1 person is working on the game engine for blender, and unfortunately culling methods like bsp trees take lots of precalculation.
which is part of why most level editors have special tools, regular mesh tools aren’t suited for creating geometry that a bsp tree can be generated from easily [quickly, and well]
also, there simply isnt’ an interface currently for multitexturing other than the material editor, which doesn’t allow multiple sets of uv coordinates either
this stuff is a rather long way off
[also, blender has NO tools to generate normal maps, the use of which on nearly everything is the latest change in current game engines]
WOW ORGE engine demos Looks awsome :o , but i will stand with blender
Looks good.
Has anyone built an app using OGRE? I’m just wondering how fast it is compared to Blender (regarding game implementation - not how fast the game runs). I suppose you need to have a good handle on C++ to use it.
I see OGRE will import Blender meshes (and armature, texture info etc). Has anyone tried this and if so how complicated is the process?
Lets face it, the beauty of Blender is its seamlessness: combining mesh editing/real time/scripting all in one. Result: faster to learn, faster to create. Mind you this comes at a price. Because its an all ‘n’ one its obviously less flexible. Still Blender rocks, and with careful planning one can make polished applications.
However I’d still like to know if anyone has tried to use Blender with OGRE, and if so what the trips and traps were.
yes, ogre is just a graphics engine, not a game engine
while there is probably an ogre export somewhere [or a way to do the same] I doubt ogre opens .blend files for the data
yeah, if only the game features and the animation abilites could be merged. IK in real time [or something] and dynamics for animation…
well… I haven’t
z3r0, I’m not nocking blender, just wondering why should engine limit themselfs just 1 up. There is the quake2 engine however, which works great with Cube. Wouldn’t it be better if Blender just make one complete engine say like with OGRE and have it as a plug-in ?
I’m confused by your first three sentences
but making the game engine a plugin was the idea at one point. I wouldn’t say anything has changed, rather that that is a rather lofty goal especially with 1 [maybe 2] coders working on that part of blender.
there should be 8 more coders… but I guess nobody wants to work for free
I never program with OGRE, but, don’t you think that is much better Crystal Space? And CS has a importer called blend2cs. Now CS people are making a game called Crystal Core that make the levels with Blender.
But I don’t understand how blender can do all the things with only 3MB!!! And one CS application can spend 20MB with many DLL’s.
its amazing how blender is 3 MB and a text editor can be over 300 MB.
Microsoft cant write like the blender guys.
Which is why I prefer it should be a seperate plug in, it plugs into YefRAY just fine.
hmm…yeah, ive been thinking about this for awhile…implementing a more advanced engine into blender that is…
but anyways, i checked out the OGRE website but i would rather go with crystal space(…for one, just by looking at the written list of features for both: crystal space seems like it has more graphical options than OGRE and plus crystal space is also a complete game engine(graphics and physics)…and yes, its also opensourse…it has an LGPL opensouce license and blender has a GNUGPL license though, so im not sure of the legal issues concerning the implementation of CS but there both completely opensource so i would suppose that there wouldnt be any legal issues…
Frankly, the blender game engine is very outdated and buggy at times…i mean, its perfect for people just starting out with making games but its nearly impossible for someone to move towards a professional level with the current blender engine/game renderer…and as said earlier, theres not many people working on improving it at all and it doesnt look like there will be much growth for this part of blender for a long, long time…
Therefore, i would propose that the coders find some way to implement CS…im not sure how hard this would be sence i have no programming experience myself but heres some of my ideas…I think that it should be implemented into blender much like YafRay is…The option to use the CS game renderer and engine would be open but the blender engine would still work the way it is…CS would be turned off on default…then you would turn it “on” and configure it in a special set of menus…This way: people who still want to use the blender engine can use it and people who would like to experiment with CS or use it in its entirety can as well…it would be nice to have blenders logic bricks be supported within CS as well with some sort of python script, etc…
Im pretty sure you could incorporate these two programs…CS is written in C or C++ and i think blender is as well…this kind of integration could also attract more profesionalls and also more newbies too(after seeing the work of profesionalls and hobbiests.)
As i said, im not a programmer(so essentially i dont know what im talking about in the coming sentences ), but i would suspect that it would be easier to simply integrate CS or some other opensouce engine than it would be to keep building upon blenders engine which could take years to get up to the same level of CS. Now ofcouse there is one major drawback: the file size…CS could add like 20MB to the program. :x :x :x …
I dunno, i think we should all definintly consider implementing some sort of external engine…CS, OGRE, and other opensource engines are evolving much quicker than blenders as well unforutnetly, so this is also a plus. …
i dont want to seem biast towards CS with this post either…it just seems like it has the most features…but anyways, bottom line: we(artists and developers) need to seriouslly consider implementing an external engine.
Will be easy to export a map (with Blend2CS) to CS and see it with a CS demo app called ‘cswalk’. CSWalk leave you do a walkthrougth into a map.
But the problems to connect Blender and CS are with the logic bricks and the python modules.
That’s the reason why I wrote the documentation ;), anyway I would like to point out some things:
OGRE is a graphics engine. You can use it in combination with other engines, e.g. OpenDynamics (ODE), to get your custom game engine. You may want to look at OGRE’s forum regarding this topic.
There is an exporter for meshs and meshs with armature animations from Blender to OGRE. As already said, for the exact feature list look at the documentation that comes with the exporter.
Therefore you can, at least in principle, use Blender’s game engine for quick prototyping.
However, there is no way to export a complete scene/level to Ogre in the near future, unless someone else writes this.
At the moment, Blender is ill-suited to create game content, e.g. it is missing basic features like texture baking (render to texture) and the animation system is anything but productive. Also the pyhton interface still does not allow to get IpoCurves corresponding to a bone in a reliable way.
As all projects involved are actively developed, things are going to be better…