Ori Lamp

It’s been a while since I last posted one of my projects on this site.
I was also still sitting on some models from 2017 for a while. Here’s one I made in December for my younger sister Rhona. It’s a model of Ori from the game Ori and the Blind Forest, a game that she and I adore very much.
I sculpted and printed this figure with the idea to add a LED light inside. I can freely change colours, animations and brightness with a remote.
Sanding the print was tricky and the layers are very visible unfortunately but overall it turned out as I hoped :smiley:

Also check out the Sketchfab version for a better look at the model:

Here are some more pictures of the printed test model:

If you are interested in more check out my Artstation profile:

I’ll post some more stuff soon!


I love it! Very cute.



1 Like

Amazing work!
Got curious, is the lamp area just a thinner part of the model with the LED inside? I also want to print a model of mine to use as a lamp.

Best regards!

Thanks! Yeah the entire print is hollow with a thin wall. This way almost the entire model is glowing with a strong enough LED and dark enough room :slight_smile:


Ori and Sein just the way it should be.

Haha so cool !! What with a little sanding ? You might be able to attenuate the layers ?

It’s really beautiful :heart_eyes:, awesome work

Thanks! Unfortunately the layers will always be visible due to the light passing through them but a little sanding helps :slight_smile:

Beautiful work, the layers actually makes it look like wood haha, its pretty appealing!

For some reason I thought this was mew from the featured area :smile:

Yeah I agree, it looks cool, maybe try to make it’s color a little like wood also.

Absolutely incredible, and insprational

Great job Julien!
So you are saying that the entire model is printed with the same thickness?
How is the orb part glowing more then?
It’s covered with paint on other parts or the thickness is different there?

The orb has a wall around it within the model as well. The LED is also shining towards the top and the rest is light bouncing off within the model :wink:

Hello Julien!!
I love your work!! would you be able to one for sell? I would love to give it to my daughter.

The model can be directly downloaded on sketchfab. With a little bit of preparation it can then easily be printed on for example shapeways :wink:

Dear Julien,
Thank you very much for your prompt answer!! I love your Work so much!

Would you be willing to do one for me, Please ? Ive got no Printer nor know anything about hoe to do it.
Its for a present for my daughters birthday. I would appreciate it very much
Please tell me something

Tell me your price please !!! :wink:

Would you be so kind to tell me something please??? :wink:

Cheers :slight_smile:

Sorry but I don’t do this kind of work. Sharing the files is all I will do since I don’t want to make a lot of further time investment :slight_smile: