It’s to do with my characters eyes, I have them set to track the camera which works fine when the character is in rest position, but when I change the pose and the head is in a different location the eyes centre (origin) is still at it’s rest position, and the result is that the more I move my rig- the more the eyes go way out . Tracking is based on an objects origin so how do I fix this?
(Just as a side note) the eyes also have a rotation constraint which shouldn’t affect anything.
Are you using bones for the eyes? Eyes should be parented to bones, which should be parented to the main head bone. The tracking constraint should be on the eye bones
I didn’t have the eyes parented to bones so after doing this, it worked… but the eye jumped forwards significantly and I can’t figure out why.
I placed the 3D cursor on the eye origin, selected my armature and entered edit mode, added bone ( at the 3D cursor), parented it to the skull bone (keeping offset), then selected the eye again and parented it to the new bone. eye jumps forward!
I’ve messed about trying to size and rotate the bone etc but I’m still struggling to understand why this is happening.