Origin to geomitry not working after fracture

Edit: —SOLVED—

Thanks a lot for all the replies!

Hi all,

I’m using blender 2.77 (fracture modifier build) to fracture objects into pieces.
After fracturing the object i want to set the origins of each individual fracture to it’s own centre of mass.
For some reason the “set origin to centre of mass” works in reversed after i fracture the obejct, placing all fractures on top of each other without moving the origins.

This error didn’t occur to me earlier, so I probably accidentally enabled some option I’m not aware of.
I already tried moving the origins in another blender version but the same problem occured.

Thanks in advance.

Hmmm that’s strange, could you post an example .blend? Also, isn’t this the wrong subforum? : P

Hi, I did a tutorial about how to do shattered objects in the blender game engjne here;

Maybe it answers the question…

Here’s a link to one of my objects.

The object on the right is fractured into 6 pieces.
They have the same origin, inherited from the full object on the left.

I think it’s some sort of bug, since I am still able to transform some origins correctly of other objects I fracture.

As you can see each new part created after fracture have its own origin…
than if you ask to the system to back on the last know origin center,you know is the “non fractured” model origin

Under Scene properties, shut off Rigid Body World. Under Rigid Body Cache click Free All Bakes. Set the origins to the geometry, then Turn the Rigid Body World back on. That seems to work on this end.

Feel free to post on our Fracture Modifier thread to get support from our team and Scorpion81, the author/coder.
Thanks to those here that have helped, it’s good to see Fracture Modifier activity anywhere! : )

Fracture ON!