Original file of linked collection

I cant figure out, how to see what file a linked collection comes from. The only thing i found is in blendfile view at the bottom it says the paths, but i cant see which linked collection it points to. How am i supposed to update linked files ?

At least until 3.6 there is the addon Edit Linked Library…if enabled you can see the file in the N-Panel → Item… and directly press the Edit Library: <objctname> --button to “switch” to this file and come back later with any manual load/save…

Thank you, at least i see what file it is, but i would like to swap the linked file with another one/a newer version.

Outliner > Blender file mode > Libraries > Right-click on a library > Relocate

God, thank you !

Be sure to keep the linked collection/objects etc. the same name, or it will break the link, or Relocate will not work.
Just to keep in mind here :wink:

You mean in the outliner, or the filename ?

No, in the original file, holding the linked collection/object.

Blender cannot relink to a renamed Collection, just a blendfile itself can be Relocated. Hope that makes it more clear.

you can call me Hadri


Ah ok. Thanks ! Call you Hadri ? Hä

You do not have to call him (“my”) God… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

:smile: Blender-all knowing …

Collections and such things in linked files are identified by name. Always keep names consistent between file versions.

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Thanks, good to know