EDIT: see second post, i just reiterated my question. Thanks everyone!
Ok so its been close to 24 hours and I am still trying to figure this problem out.
It may have looked like i got it figured out, but i really didn’t. If you are reading this, please look carefully at what i am talking about. The first image was rendered at OSA 16 (and cropped to this size), and the edges of the white beam are highly serrated. I need a clean edge, like in image two. Just compare them to each other, the difference is obvious. The second image was rendered at OSA 16 as well, but it is a closeup camara shot. Why doesn’t OSA get the eges smoothed out in the first rendering???
K, seems to me the reason the first is jagged is because you cropped the image. Any image will do this. You can make a much higher resolution, then scale it. A good photo program can scale it to size and do a better job of keeping the aliasing not so noticeable using good interpolation like Lanczos in Gimp.
Edit: It just seems funny that the white in that pic is the only part doing that. The color might be something to think about, if indeed all the settings are the same on that material as the others. Also, what’s with the lighting in that first pic? How come the colors are so different?
Thanks for the response. It seems you have some really good points there. However, the same dpi was attained when i cropped the image. (it started as 1280x1024, the image you see was to show the detail). Nextly, the lighting may have had an effect on what we are seeing in the first pic. It was overlit and overexposed or something. So rendering the second pic at the same position of the first yeilded tasty results. I guess i solved my own dilemma without knowing it :o. Thanks again.