i need to do this : vectorize what you see when you load a wav file into audacity.
but a simplescreen shot wouldnt work , , i need full in depth quality or at least see it with lots of zoom in.
How could i achieve this ?:eek:
i need to do this : vectorize what you see when you load a wav file into audacity.
but a simplescreen shot wouldnt work , , i need full in depth quality or at least see it with lots of zoom in.
How could i achieve this ?:eek:
Vectorize, as in SVG?
You could take a screenshot, and assuming there’s sufficient contrast run it through one of the image->svg things in inkscape (I think its been officially integrated).
Otherwise, you could trace it by hand, or you could do something with Python/Matlab/C/C++/etc. and write a script to write out the values using some form of interpolation onto an image or into a format that can become an image when handled properly.
yep in svg , a screen shot woulnd do it , i nedd to zoom in , i would need to take lots of them , themn paste them , a lotta work.
i dont know scriting , any other ideas ?
I only have a Linux solution, don’t know if the needed software is available for Windows.
Anyway, a combination of sox and gnuplot works very well:
On a terminal,
sox somesound.wav plotdata.dat
will produce an ascii data file suitable for gnuplot. You just need to remove the first couple of lines (only leave the data entries). Then create a text file containing the commands for gnuplot (I called it “plotWav”). I used these:
set style data lines
set xlabel 'Time (s)'; set ylabel 'Amplitude'
set title 'Signal Profile'
set terminal svg
set autoscale
set output 'timeplot.svg'
plot 'plotdata.dat'
Now, the command
gnuplot plotWav
will produce a nice SVG.
Beware: The SVG may be huge depending on the number of samples. I used Inkscape to simplify it afterwards (took quite some time to even display the original 110k+ nodes SVG from a 3s wav sample).
(Some links I used: [1] [2])
Hope it helps!
[edit] experimented some more; the following gnuplot script allows you to reduce the number of data points used (the “set samples” directive), resulting in a much smaller SVG. It also uses thinner lines:
set terminal svg
set samples 1000
set output 'timeplot.svg'
plot 'Outtakes.dat' with lines linewidth 0.3 smooth csplines
thanx man ! im on windows , yesterday i found a way to make an osciloscope inside blender , i’'ll make a quick quido for it , so you can check it out.
That’d be great! I needed that for a project half a year ago and ended up using a screen vid of a media player’s visualization… less than ideal, looking forward to seeing your solution!
MPPIC , i did a tutorial on this thread m hope you find it usefull ! ;D
there’s an old blender plugin that makes a wav into a mesh. not vectors, but pretty cool.
where is that ?