There is an example how to store data within an image to use for an OSL-shader here:
However, I can’t get this example to work. In my example the box is black no matter what output Im using. Im using a mac so I think something is wrong with how the path to the texture is given. I have tried absolute path to the file with no success. Using blender 2.7.8
Has anyone on a mac succeeded to load image-data into an osl-shader? E.g getting a red cube in the example above. If so, could someone share the blend or just direct me into the setting of the example above to work?
Ok. I have pulled my hair over this the last 12 hours and it seems that no path-functionality works.
Have tried this simple script:
shader imageReadColorOut(
string FileName = "f.png",
output color Color = 0)
color outColor =0;
float index = 0;
int pixelWidth = 5;
float uu = 1;
float vv = 1;
index = 2;
uu = index/pixelWidth;
Color = texture(FileName, uu, vv,"interp","closest");
Whatever I do i get a pink color (like when the image is not found). Is there anyway to debug osl-scripts? the file f.png is located in the same folder as the blend-file. I have tried the function in both windows and MacOs without success.
To use textures as input to osl open up a lot of semi-procedural maps whereas the granularity in the texture can be extended with some noise and procedural patterns.
Ok. solved it. On a mac you have to use absolute path, also you have to give the path on the node. It won’t take the default value.
shader dataTestShader( string FileName = "",
output color Color = 0,
int idx =0)
color outColor =0;
float index = 0;
int pixelWidth = 5;
float uu = 1;
float vv = 1;
index = (idx % 5 )+ 1;
uu = index/pixelWidth;
//printf("%s" , FileName );
outColor= texture(FileName, uu, vv,"interp","closest");
Color = outColor;
// example 2. Index the 2nd pixel in the 5 x 1 pixel image. This pixel has the RGB value (1,1,1). W