other uv calculation

i have a question
is it possible to calculate uv with python and create other possibilities of calculation ?
not use screen mode uv calculation but camera mode


however that doesn’t make sense to me…

If you view your 3D window thru the camera (NumPad 0) you can use “From Window” to get UV projection of the camera view.


i have post this question because when i use screen mode for uv calculation i have some vertices displace because the objet that i calculate uv is out of the screen
is it possible to use screen mode that respect object uv if the object is out of screen
like “camera mode” in maya

thanks and sorry for my english

can you press the - key on the number pad until the object is in the screen?

answer to your question: no, not really

This problem was fixed in the current cvs version of blender (and will work in 2.33 too, of course).

see the screenshot


thanks blendix you give me the better news that i want to learn

i’m happy very very very happpy

many month i search alone

thank you again :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: