So far we have 6 levels or scenes we are working on. Two are complete and a third is almost complete.
We still need help:
Mini game developers
Uv mappers and texturers (is that a word?)
Story writers
Our little member list has lost 2 people and will soon loose another due to loss of internet connection.
Please join us at:
Just register, and then someone will add you to the group, then thats it! No passwords.
Once you are added the full forum is visible. By using this technique the forum can be non-password protected and people just passing through can’t post crap to it. But you can remain logged in forever. LIke here.
This forum is only for the game. However if you want a board on the forum feel free to ask for it. You would then moderate it yourself. In this way you can have heated conversations, about the game… lol or whatever.
Also, we have a wiki for everyone to participate in. Everything is listed there and you may sign up to work on something there (put your name by it) or add to the story. We have one person to modify the story itself after the members decide what to add or delete.
We also use ICQ for user and group chats, and the forum also has a chat for the users.
We have made many changes:
Year: 2043
New Rayna model spy
New Diver model spy tech
New Mack model spy director
We only have 4 main characters:
female and Diver work for Mack and are “saving the world” from Bad guys actions.
When the game starts you may choose to be either female or Diver. Which ever is not chosen becomes the players associate in the game.
Mack is a world leader working for the DODOIN, department of defense of Independent Nations. Mack has a secret that we will not tell here. It would spoil the game for others.
bad guy is controlled by another, a shadow character and has his own swat team. His headquaters are in old NYC. He has a few manufacturing plants elsewhere in the world.
bad guy is building a Micro-burst machine to controll the world via its power called the Project Veata . The good guys must find it and destroy it, somehow.
New pics will be added. Sorry no time right now. But you get the idea?