Outdoor pro hockey in Edmonton in -20 degree weather

I really enjoyed the outdoor games on Saturday. I liked the first game a lot. I am finding that the players are getting so big now that hockey is more like football where nothing really moves because of the tighter defensive styles. It was nice to see a more open style in the first game even though the players were a bit older and slower.

That was a very good game.

I couldn’t stop laughing at Theodore with that toque over top of his mask. It was also funny to see Messier, who gets paid millions a year to play, pushing snow around with a shovel.

I don’t think that this game will happen again for a while though. Too bad.


like the old days “eh” :smiley:


i guess this is “ice hockey” you are talking about.

ha ha ha ha there are a few types of hockey.

i play feild hockey which is not as nasty as ice hockey but i have still seen many ambulances and blood and stuff from it (ha ha ha including the ambulance for me)

i was a goalie for 3 teams and was pretty good and played on the feild for other teams also.

either way all hoskeys are pretty good.

even underwater hockey is cool.

(oh but i do HATE grass hockey, thats not the same as field hockey which is played on artifical turf which is very nice)

anyway c ya

Apparently, there’s a lineup for the kind of toque he was wearing. Probably a couple of hundred bucks a pop.

Yes, Messier makes 3,321,215$ US source Hockey News
I wonder if Gary Bettman gave him a tip for doing a good job shovelling the snow.

Alltaken, do you guys wear protective equipment and what do you use for a "puck or “ball”? Man I 'd be scared to get one in the “peanuts”. I got a soft rubber puck in the “peanuts” when it was -20. No fun I tell ya. Eh :smiley:

LOL! The good old days of road hockey. I got one of those orange rubber road hockey balls inn the ghoulies once when it was -20 or so as well. Not a pleasant feeling.

alltaken, yep, this is ice hockey. Us wacky Canadians ya know, eh!


Lol Those orange road hockey balls can get pretty hard when it cold.

Birth control done the canadian way :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve played fieldhockey as well. Allthough it’s not as agressive as icehockey as alltaken noticed. but ocer here in the netherlands it’s still the no1 sport when it comes to injuries.
My guess is that it’s mostly the surface(plastic grass) that causes these injuries.

We Canadians never call it “ice hockey.” It’s just hockey. :stuck_out_tongue:

Umm the goalie wears protective gear equivalent to that of the feild player in ice hockey.

infact as a goalie i was wear a set of ice hockey shorts for my prtection. i had a groin guard to protect my nuts but you still feel it for a few mins with one on. a hockey ball is about 1/2 a pound i guess (not to sure) is round about the size of a tenis ball and SOLID.

its rock hard.

hoever as a goalie i didn’t have thigh protection (only bare spot apart from the backs of legs and back.

i got hit on the inner thigh at about 100 Mph by a ball and it was “instant” purple stop. deep muscle bruising (e.g. golf ball sized lump in my muscle) for 2 months. i had a black spot about the size of a bread and butter plate for about 1 month but it turned yellow and went away.

funny thing is the next week i got hit again in the same spot and i was down for the count LOL it was painfull lol.

hit in the nuts very fast too but you are not taken out although it hurts, you can however apreciate how much it WOULD HAVE HURT had you not been prtected.

as for players on the feild. all the prtection they wear is this.

3 mm 2/12" plastic/rubber on your shin bones. mouth guard. and perhaps a tiny glove to stop your bottom knucles from being crushed by a ball or scaped off.

i have seen players get a stick to the face and go to hospital for bleeding and huge gashes across their faces.

getting hit in the legs by the ball is your own fault (even if the opposition does it on purpose)

being hit in the feet is your own fault (should be jumping)

being hit in the head is unfortunate, but still not really anyones fault.

iits non contact so we don;t have punch ups etc… (well we do but its not part of the game)

but balls go fast and there are lots of big swings etc…

there are 3 types of field

grass (soft and unpredictable, nobody plays on this)
sand (its a artificial grass witha sand base, bloody knees and hands if you fall garenteed, no pros use it)
water (artificial turf with water turf, can slide fall roll anythign will not be hurt, its nice and soft :slight_smile: )

We Canadians never call it “ice hockey.” It’s just hockey.

yes we also call “field hockey” jsut plain old hockey.

but i am international enough to realise when on the net they call it hoceky they are normally tlaking about ICE :slight_smile:

My guess is that it’s mostly the surface(plastic grass) that causes these injuries

you play on sand or water based ??

we just upgraded to 2 water turfs here in my city at our national hoceky stadium, and now my knees are safe :slight_smile:

on and BTW if we had Ice Hockey here in NZ i would be goali no doubt, i would take what i know in normal hockey and be the best LOL.


Thanks for answering. I was curious about field hockey. Sounds more brutal than ice hockey. In ice hockey, they have helmets and all kinds of body armour to protect themselves. Still many get hurt, because they get hit by pucks, sticks, and get crushed into the boards. Punch ups aren’t part of the game, but it’s really part of the game. It’s an unofficial unwritten code that protects the skilled players from other players. “Goons” do all the fighting when skilled players get abused physically.

That plastic grass you refer is called astroturf here and is used for baseball and football (different football than soccer). It’s notorious for road rash (skin burns from scrapping and sliding) and injuries because of the underlying layer of cement underneath.

yeah tis also called astroturf here. i wasn’t sure how universal that was, i thought it might be a brand.

anyway over here its the variety of astroturf that determines the injurys.

if you have ever seen sand paper, then you will know what “sand turf” is like.

it has the tip of the grass sticking out but underneihter rather than concreate its got a compacted sand. of course when you run there is alwasya small layer of sand on the surface and this really takes skin off.

lots of blood if you turn a corner to fast LOL.

water turf is built not on concrete but on a layer of sponge and is then sprayed full of water to firm it up and stop the rash’s, the water makes the ball go faster etc… and gives you a wet bum if you fall over.

this is by far my favorite type :slight_smile:

i think the stuff you guys play NRL on is not based on either of these but i don’t know.


Sounds real painful that stuff. Between road rash and getting hit by a solid ball it sounds like the best part is the aftergame beer afterwards. :smiley: :wink:

LOL cree its actually really rather tame :stuck_out_tongue:

no violence (really) its like soccer but with sticks and stuff.


But I gather you still fancy an aftergame beer after a tame game. :smiley:

well apart from me not drinking YEP ha ha ha ha


Sorry, I hope I didn’t offend you. Beer and hockey sort of go hand in hand here.


na the team i was in this year was pretty lazy and never went out to drink.

but many and most do, social sports and booze do go hand in hand.

and no i don’t get offended LOL. i have been known to occasionally get boozed (e.g. 3 times in my life, and considering my age that is NOTHING ha ha ha 19.5)

but its a choice i have pretty much made, i don’t see people that drink in any bad light at all. i drink baileys whenever i want but not to get drunk LOL

its just my philosophy that if i am happy and people think i’m drunk at partys without me evebn drinking why spend my money LOL.

hoceky here is not the beer sport.

for that we have RUGBY ha ha ha ha

you may have seen it. bascily its NRL without pads and helmets :slight_smile:

we are harder over here HA HA HA HA

i just have self imposed high morals :slight_smile: (due to events when i was about 12 LOL)

c ya


altaken> we have the same types of surface as well.
Most of the cheaper fields are from the sandbased types and it can get bloody.
I was in defense myself, right-back, and the entire time I played hockey I never had 2 healed knuckels or knees :).
The water type is better, but it does have to be wet.
I can remember one time they had forgotten to wetten it.
Never seen so many people getting injured in such a short time.
If you fall on that stuff, only the upper most part of the skin gets scratched of.
Lats but not least I’ve played quite a few games on real gras, and that stuff is really nasty, you can slide all you want, but the trajectory of the ball is a little less predictable.
It races over the surface just before it reaches you, hits a bump and gets propelled in to the air.