Hi There,
this is my first post here, so hello to everyone and thanks for the help and support that you will give me
I am doing 3d for round about 20 Years mainly with cinema 4d.
Interested in blender for a long time I now decided to really give it a try. I looked around for tutorials and found my way into blender.
There are many things that follow very different concepts in blender. some of them I managed to adept to others not.
after looking for information in many places I would still like to ask a million questions.
this thread is about some of them related to the outliner.
I understood, that different to the object manager in c4d, the outliner is not hierarchical. (well position, rotation, sacle are⦠I didnt find out why they are and the rest is not hierarchical)
visibility for example is not hierarchical. is there a way to change this in the settings? (I would love to have a hierarchical outliner)
if not,
selecting hierarchy only selects visible objects (even thou they are editable)
is there a way to select all child objects regardless if there are visible or not?
(making all childs visible and then select and after that switch those back to invisible that are supposed to be not seen is not an option if you have many objects.
best regards, and thanks for answers