Output image

Output image not recording image rendered

As it is your first question, you need to explain it better.

I have rendered an image in Blender 2.81 cycles and Evie but when I when to output as a BMP. or JPG file . It did not convert and all I got was a blank screen. I seem to find bugs in most programs, I was able to output on 2.79 successfully perhaps my nick-name should have been Bugfinder.
Regards Pete2

Disable compositing and Sequencer. Maybe you have done something in one of those.


Thanks for getting back All seems correct .Compositor ticked Dither 1 sequencer ticked the only way I was able to record the output was to make a screen shot through windows.
Please Reply.
Regards Pete

When replying press the reply under the post for the one posting if you want to reply to that person. I have no idea you posted right now.


Did you try disabling(un-tick) Compositing and Sequencer and then render again?