Overlapping Textural Artifacts

I’ve recently extracted models and materials from Dead By Daylight but have come across an issue I’m not familiar with;

It would seem that there is not only discoloration but roughness as well (applied Shade Smooth, didn’t work)

However, if I change the angle of the model, you can see that the textures are underneath with corrected color and smoothness.

I’ve tried Recalculate Outside and Delete Loose but they didn’t change anything.

Ghostface.blend (707.6 KB)

Hmm, IDK with no textures but the Material Properties → Settings → Blend Mode is set to Alpha Clip for MI_OKDress007 and MKBody_007 which simple makes this invisible (in Eevee)… try Alpha Hashed for a ghostly look :ghost: .

Looks like you might have two of the same models on top of each other. Go into edit mod, just click so select a random face, ctrl-L to select linked mesh and then G and move it out of the way and see what happens.

Unfortunately, that was not the case, I even Merged By Distance and while that did do something, it didn’t fix the issue.

So I figured out the solution, and I’ll leave it here in case anyone else comes across this thread;

The answer lies within the normals and that the nodes had to be arranged accordingly with the following additions. You can find additional solutions here.