Overlapping UVs.. How to texture paint only one?

I have a game model that I’m trying to stencil over. But due to the the UV maps for the shoulders overlapping, when I stencil, it goes on both shoulders. I cannot UV unwrap without distorting the texture.
Is there a way to select only one UV map to paint on?

Have you marked the seams? https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/meshes/uv/unwrapping/seams.html

If so, have you also packed the islands?

I might not understood this correctly… but if the do have overlaps… then they share the same location in UV space… it’s the definition of overlap. So you might move the UV’s from one shoulder (or at least the part you want to paint differently) to some free UV area (seen this on some models) or you have to resize the UVs and original texture in some way to get some free space ( ← maybe also using bake to transfer the map) maybe also using a different UVunwrapping (and also transfer the texture via baking).

Or: simply copy the material and make the texture “single user” so you have two materias and assign to different parts/sides of the model and paint on them differently.