The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

I’ve feared Pablo would break my heart like this for a long time. :cry:

But seriously, Voxel Remesh is just not on par with ZBrush Dynamesh. It still changes a sculpt too much each time you remesh your model. Some parts lose details, other areas show a crudely angled polygonal structure, and parts that are close to each other such as fingers risk melting together. I also dislike having to keep track of polygon stretching and manually remesh frequently. It feels like taking a step back when compared to dynamic topology sculpting.

Cranking up the voxel detail level is undesirable because it makes the mesh less suitable for manipulation (smoothing gets harder, etc.).

I guess an important cause of the voxel remesh issues is the lack of a really efficient smoothing / averaging / rounding algorithm to translate the OpenVDB voxel cage to a rounded mesh.

The best OpenVDB voxel remesher I know for Blender is still OpenVDB Remesh by @ambi. It features really good smoothing, which brings it almost on par with Zbrush Dynamesh.

Concluding: ZBrush Dynamesh is better than Voxel Remesh, and ZBrush Sculptris Pro offers dynamic topology sculpting with no noticeable speed difference from the Dynamesh workflow, while Blender’s Dyntopo will probably be set aside to perish. I think that will make Blender lose a powerful, dynamic creation method, and I will personally seriously consider a return to ZBrush for sculpting again.