packing blender

I don’t understand what the packing function does exactly. All I know is that it is a type of saving technic. Can someone elaberate on the subject.

packing everything will save the images and sounds into your blend file

its like packing all your stuff(images/sounds) into one box(blend file) and shipping it to someone… if you dont pack it, the person you shipped it to will only have an empty box =)

Cool that is quit helpful thanks

Can anyone tell me how blender handles unused items in a packed file? Or should I say how do I get rid of unused items in a packed file? Do I have to unpack to the directory and then re-pack it? Seems like some items hang around (unless they are bound to something I don’t see).


Unused textures, materials and sounds all go away after you save and reopen. If they don’t then something is using them somewhere.

simple enough.
thank you.

they dont go away if theyre packed though(at least i dont think so), youll have to manually unpack the textures you dont want packed(unused jawns) in the image window… theres a pack button next to each image… unpack the unused, save, and reopen like lagan said

yeah its really annoying though when you dont need a texture and its assigned to one face on one tiny object somewhere. Id relly like to know a way you could just delete the texture on its own.
Another thing that annoys me is actions they never go away… really onnoying if youve got a rig and you want to append it into another blend but it has loads of unwanted actions assigned to it. The cross button next to stuff like that should really mean delete not just “ill pretend to delete and hope you wont notice” :smiley:

I believe you can delete all of your actions assigned to an armature in the action window. just highlight all the stuff and click the delete button.

I’ve got some questions about that packing. If I made a game with sounds, and textures. I can pack it, but if I make just an runtime without packing and also included the source folders with sounds and textures, will the runtime be much smaller then pack everything?

And is it possible to make a runtime then play the game and while you finished a level, it closed the runtime and opens another one which has got level 2? :smiley:

And is it possible to make a runtime then play the game and while you finished a level, it closed the runtime and opens another one which has got level 2?

Yes use the game actuator option ‘start new game’ and type in the exe’s name.

I believe you can delete all of your actions assigned to an armature in the action window. just highlight all the stuff and click the delete button.

that will get rid of the data, but not the action itself… each action has a fake user to keep it from being deletd by accident or something… you need to make it a single user than deelte it… so you need to press shift+alt+f4 to get into this cool browser thingy… then go back a folder, and choose ACTION, now find the action you want to delete, and right click it… now it should be highlighted, press F to make it a single user, now select your armature, go into the action window, select the action and press the X button next to it… now save and reopen and its gone

the runtime itself would be smaller, but as a whole, id imagine theyd be similar sizes, maybe a little smaller if you sent the source files seperate… i dunno, try it out

Thanks for the answhere’s. But I’ve got one more about publishing games. I saw blender games not as runtime but just .blend. When I opened the .blend, blender opens and then starts the game. When I try to open de .blend by first start blender then load the game, I can’t edit it, becuase ther aren’t any border, buttons or windows.

How can I make a .blend, when you open it, it starts directly the game, and when I try to open it with blender manually, I can’t edit it, and remove all buttons, borders and windows? :smiley:

How can I make a .blend, when you open it, it starts directly the game, and when I try to open it with blender manually, I can’t edit it, and remove all buttons, borders and windows?

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe there is an “Auto Start” option under the Game Menu? When you open the file it automatically starts.

As for the windows with no headers, you can do that by using CTRL+Up Arrow to make the window fiull size and then RMB clicking on the window frame and selecting “No Header” to get rid of that.

yes/no? I don’t have Blender in front of me at the moment.


Heres a short answer. yes