I’m trying to get my head around the ‘improved’ texture painting pipeline. I want
to paint a second (initially transparent) texture over a base color layer. I used to
do this in 2.69 on a regular basis.
Looking for help I’m trying to follow Martin Turners workflow in his CGMasters tut’
So, I’ve (somewhat reluctantly) taken my project out of cycles render mode and
gone back to BI.
I’ve set up materials, and I’ve set up two textures. A base diffuse texture
and and overlay ‘detail’ (transparent) texture that I want to paint.
I’ve set up two ‘texture paint slots’. So far so good.
But in texture paint mode Blender only shows the currently selected texture slot
on the mesh? I want to ‘see’ both textures, while painting on the detail layer.
This seems to work in Martins tutorial but clearly the process has changed in 2.73.
Can anyone tell me how to get both slots showing in texture paint mode?
Edit: Went back to 2.72, where it initially worked as expected, until I realised
I had not packed the transparent image into the test file (now fixed). End result,
I can’t get it to work there either. What am I doing wrong?
You need to be in Texture or Material shading (thus, need lights in scene or have your material be shadeless), and shading mode in the properties region has to be set to GLSL.
In the file you’ve attached the shading mode is not set to GLSL, and your Overlay texture is not transparent at all, which you can see clearly if you open it in UV editor.
Well I went back and modifed the attachhment earlier. It should now be transparent. But you’re right about GLSL that’s
what I was missing, and it did the trick. Thanks again.
I made doubly sure I was clean by starting with a scratch OBJ, and running through all the settings. It’s working now, and
I’ve saved the file immediately as a working baseline.
Can’t help but wonder why, if texture paint needs all these settings just so to work, why doesn’t it force them, or at least
warn the poor frustrated user