Paint texture without blending modes

So if I go into texture paint, I can paint using a texture, but you have to choose a blending mode- darken, mix, colour burn etc. How do you turn off blending. I just want it to paint exactly what is shown without it blending, mixing, burning the colours.

I’m using a standard brush with a texture stencil.

i believe the add blend mode is it, the only thing it does is add the texture.

hope this helps.


Got the same issue, seems related to color management in blender. It paints different values from the one you select in your brush. A brush with a value of 0.5 should paint 0.5, but as of now, it paints a darker tone, half the value with the mix blend mode.

okay, the mix mode blends the new texture with the old texture, only the Add mode with a value of 1 while replace the texture completely.

I don’t think this is how the blend modes work. “Add” just sums up the values, say you have a grey texture and a 0.1 lightness gray brush, if you paint, it will add 0.1 to the grey texture behind it, so it becames 0.6. If you paint again, it will become even brighter, a 0.7 value. (Try it) Basically, “add” means “make it brighter”, the opposite to “multiply”, also similar to “screen”.

“Mix” you only paint over the color below it, in the example above, now set to mix, if you make another stroke, it won’t add color if the color below is already the same.

I’ve found what was wrong with mine. I was using HSV mode to pick a value of 0.5, but for some reason, it is converted to RGB (0.25, 0.25, 0.25). But if I select RGB 0.5 in all channels, it shows as HSV Value 0.5

Maybe a bug?


You don’t , and can not turn it off.

Mix is default and it don’t blend colors…It paint the color 100 %
You can change the strenght but it will change the density of the color.

I tried the stencil and texture brush too…Both paint the texture as it is.

See picture


Yeah, that’s the expected behaviour for mix. Well, mine was probably a bug, made a new .blend file and it works like it should, really odd.

Edit: Just confirmed it, appended the same objects to a new blend file and it worked as it should. Sorry for cluttering this thread, just didn’t want to start another. Thanks.