I need to paint a part of my object with a colour. As you can see in the image (image 1) it is the stone bottom part and the window and roof frame which I painted blue in this case.
I did it just by separating the vertices to a new object and giving it then a new texture (image 2).
But this is just a temporary solution. How can I do this without making single objects out of the parts I need to paint?
If I want to export this model to another program like unity I don’t want to have 10 different single object with different materials just for one object.
You should be able to select just the polygons you want textured, then go to the UV window, and open the correct texture you want for those polygons. You’ll need to unwrap them if you haven’t done that yet. Then move on to the next set of polygons you want to texture and do the same. This can be done within a single mesh/object.
My next problem is with the painting. If you take a look at the window and roof frame (bluish paint) I just assigned a blue texture there and multiplied it with the existing one. This is kind of complicated. There has to be an easier way. I remember when I used blender a few years ago I solved this by adding vertex colours to the face. I tried that but it didn’t work. The vertex colours are displayed in the solid view but not in textured mode.
you can even assign a different material to the polygons. You can do that in edit mode
2.49 -> in the edit buton / Link and Materials panel
2.5 -> material buttons / main panel
WIth tha vertex color I can’t help. You can enable vertex color in the material buttons but this disables the material (no mix). But I didn’t used it.