It looks clean. Your choice of colour is a little odd, particularly in the chairs. But the only real thing that stands out as a negative is the background image of your choosing. It would be of interest to explore a more controlled option. Such as in a plane with a picture on it. Instead of a 360* default thing. Like a custom light room.
Thanks Drawingisdead, At the moment I am just concentrating on the structure. what’s inside are models from old projects and just there as place holders until I get round to modelling decent plants and benches etc. The hdr environment map is to add a little bit of realism to the lighting. I will try and find a better sky map and model some external scenery once the internals are finished.
Shaping up very nicely, but I think the camera lens is way too wide, it’s stretching the image to the point of distraction.
Here’s a great series of tutorials going through camera options in relation to composition, well worth a watch:
Thanks blurredmotion, there’s some useful information in that Blender Cookie tutorial. At the moment I am restricted on focal length to about 20 because I need to keep the camera inside the building, and the shot I am after needs to emphasise the large internal volume and height. Once complete I might copy the blend file and take out the end wall, it should allow me to get the camera further away.
I have found a little time to add some more detail to the Palm House recently.
Main changes are new palms added from the Blender Greenhouse
New HDRI background fromHDRIMAPS
Pulled the perspective around using Gimps perspective tool to compensate for the short focal length.
wow, difficult project.
My thoughts: less stone walls , more steelcontsructions (central atrium is superb),do you know kew-gardens?
or berlin botanischer garten?
it seems your blender-version is not the newest, there is now a bump node, connected to a normal input of the shader (image texture set to non color data)
go on! i like palm houses and mostly this kind of architecture is very serial (mirror+array)
sorry for my english
Thanks for the links animelix, I had looked at lots of references before starting the project. The main goal was to recreated a Georgian Palm house similar to the orangeries found in the grounds of stately homes, but on a very grand scale.
I have had a go at including the various elevations into an architectural layout and it has highlighted a number of changes I need to make. The central image needs to concentrate more on the central atrium and less on the roof and there is still a lot of finishing to do.