Here’s somthing I’ve been working on for a while…
I’d like to know how to improve it as I can’t get it to look just right by myself :s
it seems good…a few things i have spotted though…Where is the flour :D…the yolk of the egg is too dark, almost like mustard…also there is a strange line going through one of your eggs (sorry if its intentional) finally, the wood looks good, but around the legs it looks strange…i think the grain may be going the wrong way…apart from that it seems good…Nice whisk model btw
@ linuus
Okay well first off the title is misleading. You say pancakes but then all there is in the picture is eggs, a bowl, and a whisk. The wires on the whisk could be metal instead of solid black. the bowl is maybe a little to reflective for glass. Maybe add a normal map to the table and use a lighter yellow on the egg yolks.
Edit: I was still typing when peter18 posted.
Make the lighting softer. It might need to be a bit brighter as well but you could probly do that in the compositer.
Thanks for all the tips! I’ll keep working on it