Panorama dependencies

Is anybody aware of the dependencies for the panorama settings ?

There must be some formula to predict the result of a panorama rendering. ( This must be hidden somewhere in the code)

How one would get the settings for Camera lens 36.8, Xpart 8, SizeX 720
for a 360° panoramic view, given in the blender guide, without try & error. ?
360° / 8 (Xparts) is obviously not 36.8 camera lens. Why ?

Because lenses reports the focal length of the lenses of the camera.

a lens 16.4 is 90° wide

a lens 36.8 is 45° wide.

You make 8 parts of 45°… voilà 360° = 8 x 45°

THere must be a formula giving angle in terms of camera focal length… If I find it I’ll post.


It’s 38.6; my fault :expressionless:

You make 8 parts of 45°… voilà 360° = 8 x 45°

Yes, but only as long as SizeX > SizeY :o

This can be fixed when AspX : AspY = 2:1 but you get a distorted pic :-?

If I find it I’ll post.


Thanks in advance :smiley:

For the easier part: It is clear that there is a reciprocal relation for Lens and viewing angle.

Very confusing for my little head. :o

I don’t know if this will help with panoramas, but I use a camera lens of 31.62 for precision modelling, because a plane 4 units wide, 4 units away from the camera, exactly fills the view.

I figured this value out by trial and error, and then discovered:
31.62 is the square root of 1000

/me tinkers a little

If I halve the lens value I get 2 units away = 4 units wide

/me does some maths
This suggests:

angle = 2 × atan (sqrt(1000) ÷ (lens))

lens = sqrt(1000) ÷ (tan(angle ÷ 2))

Interesting !

No, time to check it yet. But I will, thanks.

Here is a graph of the lens angle relation (t & e)
(trial & error not try & error; noticed :expressionless: )

I’m on the way for a few days, so don’t be angry if I don’t answer.