Pantograph: ANOTHER vector rendering engine


And you get an image displayed, yes? Very strange - and that it happens for you in both Win32 and Linux…

Are you able to do stuff like saving pen settings?


ps - a lot of garbage started showing up in my terminal window when I run scripts in Blender - I think it began with 2.44…anybody else noticed this?

Yes the display within the GTK gui works, the garbage is only showing under win32, with linux only the error msgs appear…


What version of Cairo do you have installed? I haven’t tested this on win32. but I haven’t had any problems with the SVG export in Linux …


it’s version 1.2.6, maybe this is the problem I’ve just seen the actual ver is 1.4.0



The version I’m using is 1.4.2… SVG export may be a late-breaking upgrade. libcairo 1.4.2 is quite stable, and worth the upgrade… I’ll put a trap for that in the import code, though.


Strange, my system says that it has libcairo 1.4.2 installed, but

import cairo
print cairo.version

returns “1.2”. What does it say on your system? Maybe the version number was not updated in pyCairo.


hmm, pycairo puts out 1.2.6, this was the way I found out the version…

I’ve just updated the cairo lib on my linux box and now it works :smiley:
seems to be a cairo lib prob under win32…

thanks for your support rocketship…
looking forward for the optimized version…


A new version should be coming pretty soon. The optimization part is working well, I’m just clearing up a few bugs.


What about the new version?
