So started an entry for the comp yesterday. Got movement down and some basic AI. I’ve been doing a little bit of work on graphics today.
Basically it’s a classic 2D platformer in the vein of Mario and the like. It’s not going to be technically impressive. I’d say it’ll be 100% bricks but might be a fun little game. You play a cardboard robot marching right, jumping over things and on enemies. Collecting things and trying to collect harder to get things. Most original game ever
The only recomendation I have is to make the legs swing out just a bit more in the walk animation. Try to make it looks really “ragdoll” looking sorta if you get what I’m saying. Like his arms are just kind of swinging around.
Thanks very much! I did try having more exadurated animations but I ended up making them a bit more subtle as they are now because I thought it looked a little bit nicer
Has Cory made a new friend? For a new friend he doesn’t look to friendly :-/
Nice work fella! Try and use some squash and stretch in the animations if you can, they may make him look a little happier
Also a little art crit, because I’m a bit of a perfectionist and can’t help it - on your level, thicken the stroke on the grass to make it look more like the trees, and if you can add a nice fat stroke on top of the ground (this could be done by either adding it to the texture or making a plane and extruding it along the top of the level, and then applying a tiling stroke texture onto it). Just 'cos right now you’ve got this lovely chalk-drawn style but the ground looks a little too square and perfect, and it doesn’t sit too well with the scenery (in my opinion)
Great job though, I’ll be following this! Good luck
wow- great style.
is he on something? he looks like he is day-dreaming while walking (i like it, its a good thing). when he dies (due to his new freind), you should make him go all ragdoll and in an over-exaggerated way (maybe explode?).
I think I could make him happier but I’ve kind of fallen in love with the way he looks and moves. So distant and…
Couldn’t agree more about the level design! I’m definitely going to have to sort it out and make it match a bit better. It was the first thing I thought as I started putting tiles together. It’s quite jaring the way it is, needs to be sorted out. Shouldn’t be hard to do either because the grass is separate from the ground so I can put the nice top on that. Then I just need to come up with something to sort out the sides.
I don’t think I’ll change the anims. I’ve grown to like them a lot, also time constraints. I’m definitely going to finish the game but whether or not I can get it up to a quality I’m happy with by tonight will be the deciding factor.
I’d like to do that but I don’t know how, don’t really have time to learn it today either. It’ll be a big rush to get it done so I can have something to hand in.
One theory I have is that he’s questioning his purposeful march to the right but it’s very difficult to get him to open up about his feelings. He’s not much of a talker.
Unfortunately, I’m not going to get it ready for a release by tonight so I’m going to bow gracefully out of the competition. My participation lasted less than a week XD
I’ll release the game early in the new year. Best of luck to all those involved in the competition. You’re all winners looking for world peace
Apologies, This game didn’t make it into the competition. I got side-tracked with the festivities of new years and wasn’t able to finish on time. I’m still working on it but at a more leisurely pace.
I asked to get it removed from the vote but I don’t know if that’s possible =/
Anyway, not in the compo but it’ll be out some time soon(ish) if you’re looking for a game to play once the competition is over
I will try to get a demo out soon. Problem is my graphics card is broken so I’ve to use my parents pc for anything requiring more power than looking at the default cube =( and I hate using their pc, it’s windows vista and makes me really frustrated